Saturday, February 4, 2023

    From what I could understand the 2 categories are Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. If I had to pick one which I belong to it would be digital natives. Honestly learning has kind been bad for me throughout me entire school experience. Almost every teacher struggled with technology, and I don't think it's getting any easier to comprehend. I have also struggled with wanting to use computers in class and even learning how to type. Personally, i never really clicked with technology like a native tech kid should but I guess. I have time to learn.

  • What are some of the other myths Kirschner associated with Prensky’s findings from 2001.

He associated Multitasking and digital natives to the word myths. The reason behind this is one including words beyond my comprehension, so I looked them up and this is what I learned.

Presumed Capabilities: Something that basis of probablitly.

cognitive architecture: This is the blueprints for intelligent agents.

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Week 10

Methodology is essentially the study of research methods.  Wikipedia defines a method as a structured procedure in order to accomplish a goa...