Saturday, February 25, 2023

Week 7

The Podcast I chose to listen to was a ted talk Titled, "The skill of self-confidence". To give a little back story, Dr. Ivan Joseph who is an award-winning coach, best-selling author, and keynote speaker, explains the complexities of forming the skill of self-confidence. 

This is a photo of him 

The first main point Dr. Ivan makes is that the key to "self-confidence is repetition, repetition, reptation" (2:06). This reminds me of the first couple of weeks learning about self-perception and online communication because to actively perform well and to come across as professional as possible, there is a lot of rehearsal and care that goes into the task to make it the best possible. 

Communication across different platforms will require different preparation strategies. But learning your style of preparing is great practice.  Dr. Ivan connects self-perception to the unrealistic expectations we set on ourselves, like to be confident in yourself. Dr Ivan states "we can't be self-confident unless the skill or task you are doing is not new to us" ( 2:51). By this I think he is suggesting that you can't be confident at something you haven't done before.

A large part about being confident in yourself comes from places of self affirmation. Dr. Ivan argues that in very small parts of your day like brushing your teeth you should reaffirm yourself that you are in control of your life, and that you are the master of your own fate. He suggests writing a list about what makes you, you, and to read it to yourself as a sense of security and knowing yourself.

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Week 10

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