Sunday, March 19, 2023

Week 10

Methodology is essentially the study of research methods.  Wikipedia defines a method as a structured procedure in order to accomplish a goal.  Usually, this goal is to gain more knowledge or to confirm already known things. Many sources credit different people for starting methodology, however Michael Halliday is recognized for influencing Social Semiotics
Some rules associated with methodology are, description and analysis of the disadvantages and advantages of different methods. This can be done through the comparison between two different methods.  There is quantitative and qualitative approach, quantitative approach is usually tied to natural sciences while qualitative is associated more with social sciences.  This is because quantitative uses numbers and precis measurements in order to find universal laws. Qualitative approaches are centered around human characteristics and behavior and experience. 


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Week 10

Methodology is essentially the study of research methods.  Wikipedia defines a method as a structured procedure in order to accomplish a goa...